HISTO Boys Suffers Cancer as the loses to Chempath (1-0)

 Beautiful Welcome to our fans online as we experienced a wonderful and tactical  match today by 5:00pm 


The wonderful game lasted for 50 mins and was a game of mind  which will be remembered in the minds of men....

The Two Sides having played wonderfully and agilely during start of the game ....

Histpathology side features , Busar, Gospel , Urch, Fabian, (captain)
while CHEMPATH features: Life, Alex,(captain) Chubby ,Nkay

as at the 35th Mins , the playman in question of  a fine chubby gave a fine minimal OC from the 18 YARD box after receiving assist from alex  passing through Urch thereby giving them a lead in the game.....

The bit tough game ended with the Fluid boys sealing the fate of the Tumor boys by 1-0....

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